
Apply Now for 2024 TIGER Grants

tiger grant 2024


Views On Learning is an Indiana-based 501c(3) educational non-profit organization that holds Educational Broadband Service (EBS) licenses that provide cellular-based wireless internet service in several service areas throughout the US.  Part of our mission is to use these resources to assist service area schools with their educational objectives.

In furtherance of that mission, Views on Learning annually grants schools within our designated Educational Broadband Service Areas funding to purchase technology for student use.  VOL awards a total of up to $250,000 per year to schools throughout our designated service areas. The grants are competitive and eligible schools may receive up to $25,000.   All grants must be submitted through the VOL TIGER Grant Application Online Portal. 


Views on Learning provides grants of up to $25,000.00, based upon enrollment, for the purchase of technology that enhances STEM education.  The technology must be used by students or for direct student instruction.

Eligible Applicants

The public, private, or charter school must be located in one of Views on Learning’s service areas to be eligible for the grant and must be accredited by their state department of education or other recognized accreditation agency.  As part of the online grant process, applicants will enter their zip code to determine eligibility.  Only one grant per school or district will be considered during a grant cycle.

Funding Priorities

TIGER Grant funds must be used to support the purchase and installation of technology and/or technology related items for use in direct academic instruction.  Priority will be given to applications that articulate the need and demonstrate how the requested technology will enhance student learning.  Grants may be used for the purchase of technology and technology related items, including hardware, software, and supplies typically used in conjunction with such hardware and software.  Grantees may not use any of the funds for administrative purposes.

Application Review and Award Notification Process

Grant applications will be reviewed and scored by the Views on Learning grant review committee. The scoring rubric is available for download at the top of this page.  The rubric is based on a 90 point scale and grants are awarded to the top scorers.  Views on Learning will notify each applicant of the outcome of the review process and whether their application has been funded. Views on Learning reserves the right to approve or deny applications at our sole discretion based upon alignment with organization goals, funding, and anticipated impact.

Grant Description

Views on Learning, Inc. will provide up to $25,000.00, based upon enrollment, for the purchase of technology that enhances student learning.  The school must be located in one of the Views on Learning service areas to be eligible for the grant and must be accredited by their state department of education (or other recognized accreditation agency).

The TIGER Grant application is completed online through the Grant Application here.  Each school seeking funding must create an account to begin the application process.  The application will ask for contact information, school demographics, and several sections of questions related to the technology being requested and the expected outcomes.  We recommend downloading the PDF version of the TIGER Grant Application, completing it offline in your favorite word processor, then pasting your final responses into the online form when you are ready to submit.

VOL TIGER Grant maximum funding amounts are on a sliding scale, based on enrollment:

Enrollment              Maximum Grant
 – 0-150                        $7,500
 – 151-300                  $10,000
 – 301-450                  $15,000
 – 451-600                  $20,000
 – 600+                       $25,000

NOTE:  The following items will be asked for as part of each application:

  • School’s Mission Statement
  • Contact Information for the senior administrative officer at the school and primary contact for the project (if different)
  • A description of the school (grade range, enrollment, demographics, and web site)
  • Statement of need
  • A project description containing the following:
    • Objectives and specific activities to accomplish these goals
    • Description of how the project promotes student learning through technology
    • Criteria for evaluating the program
  • An itemized project budget showing sources of committed and proposed income and expenses
  • Federal Tax Identification Number provided by the Internal Revenue Service


Grants are not available to/for:
 – Individuals
 – Political parties, campaigns or causes
 – Labor or veterans’ organizations
 – Religious or fraternal groups (accredited parochial, private, and charter schools are eligible)
 – Volunteer emergency groups
 – Athletic activities
 – Courtesy advertising
 – Fund-raising events

For additional information, please contact us via email.